EDITORS' FOREWORD // Альманах североевропейских и балтийских исследований. Выпуск 4, 2019, DOI: 10.15393/j103.art.2019.1382

The previous issues of The Nordic and Baltic Studies Review have mainly featured articles dealing with the history of Northern Europe. The current fourth issue is more diverse and presents articles in such field as social history, urban anthropology, folklore studies, and sigillography.

The current issue features a special section prepared on the occasion of Alexander Pushkin’s 220th anniversary. We are grateful to our authors from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Reykjavik who submitted extremely interesting materials on translations of Pushkin’s works in Northern Europe. We express a special gratitude to a prominent Moscow artist, Evgeniya Dvoskina, for her permission to reproduce several of her wonderful artwork from the series Pushkin with us.

We continue our tradition to present materials from important conferences. This issue includes four papers presented by the Russian participants of the First Russian-Finnish Seminar of Young Historians. The seminar took place on October 9, 2019, as part of the Seventh International Research and Applied Conference of Young Scholars organized by the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Embassy of Finland in Russia. The participants of the seminar included young scholars from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Krasnoyarsk, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, and Tampere who presented papers on a broad range of questions in the history of Russian-Finnish relations from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. The first experience proved successful and the organizers plan to make the seminar recurrent.

We have significantly expanded the reviews section. The bibliography section presents a bibliography of periodicals published in the Republic of Karelia in the Finno-Ugric languages during 2003. The section Academic Life presents interesting materials on the recently launched Russian-Finnish research and outreach project There Are Many Different Karelias (Есть много разных Карелий  — On monta eri Karjalaa).

The Nordic and Baltic Studies Review is becoming an increasingly authoritative periodical in its field, and in June 2019 it was included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS). We hope that our readers will find this issue of The Nordic and Baltic Studies Review both interesting and useful.


Irina Takala

Aleksandr Tolstikov

Aleksandr Krivonozhenko

Petrozavodsk, December 18, 2019

Просмотров: 695; Скачиваний: 273;

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j103.art.2019.1382